About Us

Affordable Houses - 3d house Render
Who we are

Affordable prebuilt homes in Northland

We are a reputable company with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, affordable homes to our clients. Our team consists of skilled builders who are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their money.

Our goal is to make home ownership and the house building process, quicker and easier, while being as efficient and sustainable as we can be every step of the way.

What we Do

Better building practises

We strive to offer affordable homes, we believe that everyone deserves a decent and affordable home, and we work tirelessly to make this a reality for our clients.

One way we do this is by manufacturing our houses off-site to be transported to the desired location once complete. This allows us to provide a cost-effective solution but also means minimal disruption on the house site and your new neighbours. Most moves are completed in days, rather than the many months a regular build can drag on for.

Transportable homes, also known as modular homes or prefabricated homes, are becoming an increasingly popular option for people looking for a more flexible, eco conscious and affordable housing solution.  The construction process is often faster than site-built homes. This means that homeowners can move into their new home much more quickly than with a traditional home.

Our homes can be easily transported to a new location if the homeowner decides to move. This makes them a great option for people who want the flexibility to relocate in the future.

Roof Trusses - House midbuild
Why use us

Quality Houses at Affordable prices

Affordable Houses Ltd can offer several advantages for people who are looking to buy a quality home at a lower cost.


As the name suggests, Affordable Houses Ltd specialize in building homes   that are affordable for people with lower incomes. We use cost-effective     construction techniques and materials to keep prices low, making home ownership more accessible for more people. All our houses are prebuilt in our yard and shipped to your site. This significantly cuts down on building cost and turn around times.

Customizable Options

We offer a range of customizable options for buyers, such as different floor plans, finishes, and features. This allows buyers to personalize their home to their specific needs and preferences while still staying within their budget.

Financial Assistance

We can offer financial assistance to help buyers purchase their home. This can include down payment assistance, mortgage advice, subsidies and other programs designed to help make homeownership more accessible.

Quality Construction

Despite our lower cost, we use high-quality materials and construction techniques to build their homes. This ensures that their homes are durable, safe, and built to last. We also stand by the quality of work with our 10 year guarantee

Sustainable Practices

Not only does our building process more efficient in time and materials, we incorporate sustainable features into our homes, such as energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and other eco-friendly features. This can help to lower utility bills and reduce the environmental impact of the home.

Ongoing support

After your new home is built, Affordable Houses Ltd. provides ongoing support to help you settle in and maintain your new home. The company can provide resources and advice on home maintenance and repairs,     as well as warranty support if any issues arise.

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, looking to downsize, or simply looking for amore affordable housing option, an affordable houses company can help you find the perfect home at a price you can afford.

Our Designs

Your Site or Ours

If you already own a piece of land or section, Affordable Houses Ltd. has the expertise and experience to help you make your vision a reality. Whether you have purchased a bare block or plan to add to an existing property, we offer a range of services to help you through the process of building a home on your own land.

Site evaluation
We can evaluate your site to determine the best location for your new home, taking into account factors like slope, drainage, and access to utilities

Custom home design
Being custom built, we can design your house to your land, maximising any beneficial features and minimising the negatives.

Building permits
We can help you to navigate the process of obtaining building permits and complying with local zoning and building codes. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but have the expertise to help make it as smooth as possible

Construction management
Once construction begins, Affordable Houses Ltd. can provide project management services to ensure that your new home is built to your specifications and on time and on budget.

View Our Designs
House paper cutout on grass